Top 3 Things to Do Before Leaving for IMEX 2023

By Ben Landis, Marketing Manager

Welcome to the wonderful world of IMEX America – the biggest and the boldest tradeshow in the U.S. for the meetings, events, and travel industry.

It's like the Super Bowl of business meetings, minus the halftime show. Unless you count that one guy who is overly eager about doing karaoke at the hotel bar. (That goes without saying unless you have the voice of an angel or Taylor Swift, don’t let that person be you).

Before you grab your badge and step onto the tradeshow floor, there are a few must-dos to prepare for IMEX 2023.

1. How to Pack for a Convention?

So, you're about to embark on a journey to Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas for IMEX, and you're wondering, "What should I pack?" Well, it's not a survivalist expedition into the wilderness, but it's close.

Here are some packing tips:

Comfortable Shoes: You'll be walking. So, unless you enjoy blisters and sore feet, pack your comfiest kicks. Trust us; your stilettos can stay home this time. (Or at least save them for happy hour, you maniac.)

Business Casual: Leave the tuxedos and ball gowns at home (unless that's your everyday attire, in which case, you do you). Opt for business casual attire because you want to look professional but not like you're trying too hard.

Chargers, Chargers, Chargers: Your phone, laptop, tablet, and whatever shiny technological devices you bring will run out of battery faster than you can say "Viva Las Vegas." Pack chargers and power banks like your life depends on it. Because at IMEX, it just might. (Queue dramatic music).

Business Cards: You know those little pieces of paper with your name and contact information that the lady from HR ordered in bulk on your first day, and they've been gathering dust on your desk ever since?

Well, guess what? They still exist, and they're incredibly handy at IMEX. Don't forget to pack a stack.

2. Don't Leave a Boring Autoreply!

You know what's worse than not setting an out-of-office email message when you're at IMEX? Setting a boring one. Why be dull when you can be unforgettable? Try something like this:

"Subject: Out of the Office – IMEX 2023 Edition

Hey there!

I'm currently rubbing elbows with the brightest minds in the meetings, events, and travel industry at IMEX 2023 in Las Vegas. If you need something urgent, you're out of luck because I'm too busy schmoozing, learning, closing deals, and maybe getting a Fat Tuesday on The Strip.

But don't fret; I'll be back on [your return date] with more enthusiasm and ideas than ever. Until then, enjoy the silence of my inbox, or better yet, join me at IMEX and let's make some event magic together!

In all seriousness, you can contact [insert point of contact], in my absence and they’ll be able to gladly assist you.

Vegas Baby,

[Your Name]"

Feel free to sprinkle in some emojis or other jokes to make it uniquely you. And remember, your colleagues will be green with envy reading it because you know they would rather be in the Neon Capital of the World rather their soul-sucking windowless cubicles.

3. Take a Deep Breath and Get Some Rest Before IMEX

This might be obvious but it’s crucial to follow. IMEX is a whirlwind of networking, workshops, presentations, and, let's be honest, probably a fair amount of late-night shenanigans. (What happens in Vegas…or something like that, right?)

Before you jump headfirst into the excitement, take a moment to breathe and get some rest.

The last thing you want is to be bleary-eyed during a crucial presentation or to nod off while you’re in the midst of negotiating a deal. (Because we know you’re a closer, you stud.)

So, resist the urge to pull an all-nighter and recharge those batteries (both the literal and metaphorical ones).

IMEX America 2023 promises to be the event of the year for the meetings and events industry. But remember, it's not just about what you do at the event, but also how you prepare for it. So, pack smart, email clever, and catch some Z's. Lastly, keep in mind that IMEX is not just about business; it's also about having fun and making lasting industry connections.

So, prepare, pack, and get ready to immerse yourself in the exciting world of IMEX 2023…and maybe say hello to your favorite Destination Marketing Organization in Silicon Valley, Discover Santa Clara we’re located at booth Bayside/D2947. We’d love to meet you and see how we can best collaborate with you. Fill out the form below to set up an appointment with us!